May 30, 2016
The title for this episode wrote itself... what an interesting week the Uglee sisters had.
From Jamie's medical adventures - with both her cat and her daughter - to Paula's argument with a crazy neighbor... this kind of stuff only happens to the Ugs!
We hope you enjoy the show and that you're celebrating,...
May 26, 2016
More from the "apocalypse"... enjoy. See ya with a new episode this Sunday!
May 22, 2016
Paula is back and you won't believe why her kids were out of school for a week. Plus Jamie gets her baby fix and finally admits that outdoor manual labor is not really her thing. Also this week, you get the answer to the question we've all been asking... how would he Ugs survive the end of the world? All this along...
May 15, 2016
This week on the Uglee Truth, Stephanie sits in at the last minute for Paula - the sickest girl in the world - to hear Jamie's gardening adventures. Plus the Ugs talk about the latest drama on some of their favorite trashy TV and Netflix shows. Last but not least, you'll love the karma that comes from both of their...
May 12, 2016
Extra funny extras! These are the edits from our most recent episode of the Uglee Truth featuring 3 of the Ugs... Jamie, Paula and Stephanie. Enjoy and thanks for listening!