Feb 23, 2014
With the skills of Olympic athletes, Paula and Jamie bring you another episode of The Uglee Truth where they compare themselves to the common traits of awkward people (spoiler alert - there's a match). Other "Truth" topics this week include crappy shopping carts, pretentious hiccups, hand jobs that won't end and, of...
Feb 16, 2014
Jamie and Paula tell it like it is and have no filter - that is what The Uglee Truth is all about. BUT... you may want to make sure the kids are off to school or sleeping before you listen to this one because it's the Ugs' ANNUAL SEX EPISODE. After they warm up with a Valentine's Day reality check, things really heat up...
Feb 15, 2014
This is an Uglee Truth "EE"xtra. Just a short little show featuring Producer Dub's Top 10 Ug-Calls... you know, UUUUuuggg! The affectionate greeting heard 'round the world'. Enjoy while you wait for the infamous Valentine's week "SEX" episode (#51) which drops this Sunday.
Feb 9, 2014
Paula is back in action as The Ugs celebrate the Big 5-OH with another entertaining episode. Talk of the sisters' least favorite Super Bowl commercial leads to tales of parental punishment plus the doctor bills start to roll in from Jamie's surgery. Speaking of medical emergencies... the youngest Ug had to learn a...
Feb 3, 2014
Paula needed to take a week off to handle her biz, so Producer Dub is asked to fill her shoes - a daunting task for any non-Ug to be sure. But Jamie, who also happens to be his wife, "promised" to go easy on him. The couple recounts their recent run-ins with a transient, a frumpy house frow and, by special request,...