Nov 29, 2020
Up first for our new weekly THROWBACK post - in honor of our most recent episode (#503, which also featured our sister Stephanie) - is Episode #239. Originally airing around Christmas in 2017, this show featured three Ugs revealing what makes us gag and reflecting on those horrible - yet wonderful - Glamour Shots photos.
Nov 22, 2020
The Uglee Truth is taking next week off for the holiday so we wanted to go big for this episode and that means calling in reinforcements. Fellow Ug, Stephanie, joins the show and that is always a recipe for hilarious chaos. We recall some of our mom's hobby hand-me-downs and play the "Which Ug?" rapid fire...
Nov 15, 2020
On this episode of the Uglee Truth, Jamie is having superhero dreams and Paula is planning field trips for her kids. Plus, we randomly start talking about how we'd want to go out if given a death sentence. Oh, and both of our Uglee and Awkward Moments this week involve screaming. Thanks for listening H-Ugs! Enjoy the show.
Nov 8, 2020
It's show #501 so we can't not talk about blue jeans. Plus, Jamie does a sympathy cleanse for Producer Dub and Paula is pretty sure she got stalked by a serial killer. And you better stick around after the Uglee and Awkward Moments of the Week if you want to laugh so hard you'll pee yourself. Thanks for listening!
Nov 1, 2020
Our 500th episode is here! We've got an exciting announcement before decending into our usual hilarious debauchery including puppetry of the penis, boob pillows and a couple of epic Uglee and Awkward Moments of the Week that are worth of episode 500. Thanks for all the support over the last 7+ years H-Ugs!