Apr 29, 2020
The Ugs are here to give you their thoughts on some of the ideas floating around on how to celebrate Mother's Day during quarantine. Plus, a little divorce talk and the epic arguments that result from doing home improvement projects with your significant other. And we've got some H-Uglee and Awkward submissions to share...
Apr 26, 2020
It's time for another quarantine edition of the podcast. On the show, the Ugs discuss how marriage is overrated, old AF celeb dads and why the struggle is real when it comes to female facial hair. Plus, we're back with another round of our newest segment - Good, Bad and Uglee - this time around we're talking...
Apr 23, 2020
On this episode, Paula shares her first impressions upon meeting Producer Dub and, now she has a "quarantine house / would you rather" quiz for Jamie (listen to #458 to catch the Jamie's quiz for Paula). Plus, their H-Uglee and Awkward Moments of the Week spur high school reunion memories. Thanks for listening while...
Apr 19, 2020
On this episode, Jamie has all kinds of funny topics to share including a special quiz she's prepared just for Paula. It starts with having to choose which celebrity-filled house she'd like to finish this isolation in and concludes with a hilarious, quaratine-themed "would you rather". Thanks for listening... enojoy the...
Apr 15, 2020
Time for yet another quarantine edition of the podcast. On this episode we're talking about drugged pets, dictator organs and - of course - the finale of Sister Wives. Plus we've got H-Uglee and Awkward Moments to share. Thanks for listening.